About Link Cabinet


Link Cabinet is a single web page hosting solo shows where artists exhibit a single, site-specific artwork. Conceived as a white and neutral exhibition space with an essential interface, Link Cabinet is a blank page that will be transformed by the works on display.

A project space complementary to the Link Point, Link Cabinet shows a selection of web-based art works with a focus on international artists. After the show, the projects won't be available on the site anymore. The Link Art Center is open to collector's inquires related to the site-specific version of the project presented at Link Cabinet.


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With Return of Investment Jonas Lund focuses on the financial rules of the contemporary art world, turning Link Cabinet into an advertisement space that anyone can purchase. The web page will host only one ad at a time, and the banner will be replaced only when a new investor will apply for the ad space. Every transaction will result in an increase of the price, calculated on the basis of a rate similar to the average annual return of investment of contemporary art in 2012.
This new project — premiered at Link Cabinet — is a further development in Jonas Lund's ongoing exploration of the contemporary art world, its social rules and ways of working. The act of buying the web page is at the same time the purchase of an ad space and a financial investment that one can capitalize on by selling to the next buyer: a clear reference to the contemporary art market, where collecting art works can either be an act of patronage or a mere financial investment. jonaslund.biz/